More security through 2FA 2-factor authentication is an important tool to protect your accounts even more effectively.
2-factor authentication is an additional protection against unauthorised access to your accounts. It is, so to speak, an additional proof of identity generated by means of another independent component - preferably from a second end device - such as the mobile phone (2nd factor). If you have set up 2-factor authentication on your account and you want to gain access to this account, it is no longer sufficient to enter the user name and password alone, you will also be asked to enter a so-called "authenticator code", i.e. another component, which is generated for you by an independent source. Such an independent source is, for example, the app "Google Authenticator". You will find out how to set up this app on the following pages.
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2-factor authentication
Your account is protected by 2-factor authentication, please enter your authentication code in the field below.
Authentication code
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Safety first ! Always protect your account with 2-factor authentication.
More security through 2FA 2-factor authentication is an important tool to protect your accounts even more effectively.
2-factor authentication is an additional protection against unauthorised access to your accounts. It is an additional proof of identity, so to speak, which is generated by means of another independent component - preferably from a second end device - such as the mobile phone (2nd factor). If you have set up 2-factor authentication on your account and you want to gain access to this account, it is no longer sufficient to enter the user name and password alone, you will also be asked to enter a so-called "authenticator code", i.e. another component, which is generated for you by an independent source. Such an independent source is, for example, the app "Google Authenticator". You will find out how to set up this app on the following pages.
Welcome to ACCOUNT Password Email / Registration 2-factor authentication Your account is protected by 2-factor authentication, please enter your authentication code in the field below. Authentication code  Send code  Safety first ! Always protect your account with 2-factor authentication.