I have not always been interested in finance ... but it was time to realise that something is going wrong here on this planet ... and not just since yesterday. Until today, there is hardly any knowledge in society as a whole about how money is really created. On the one hand, this is due to the two currency reforms in the last century and the end of the gold standard, on the other hand, however, it is due to a very important fact that both politicians and banks do not want to endanger the still existing trust of the population in the existing monetary system. Banks and politicians profit equally from this monetary system for the reason that the current monetary system is a gigantic money redistribution machine at the expense of the citizens. And because they profit at our expense, they have no interest whatsoever in explaining the true background of the monetary system. But it is precisely this system that is the main cause of the rapidly growing national debt, of financial crises and, above all, of the increasing material inequality in our society. The cry for a new monetary system, for a free monetary system that is independent of central institutions and independent of state control, is getting louder and louder and is now creeping through. A monetary system that cannot be banned, that cannot simply be switched off and that is very difficult to attack. We are talking here about cryptocurrencies or digital money and the technology behind it, blockchain technology.
About me My name is Svend Böttcher, I am a hobby pilot, musician, life artist and I am the owner of this site. With this site, I would like to give you the opportunity to become financially independent and to see the world with different eyes, or with your own. But first about me. I was born in Flensburg more than half a century ago. As a child of the Danish minority, I attended Danish kindergarten and enjoyed Danish schooling in the Schleswig-Flensburg district as well as in Denmark. At that time, my parents thought it would be a good idea for me to follow in the footsteps of my father, who was a very respected and high official at the then German Federal Post Office. So I started my first apprenticeship as a telecommunications craftsman at the said company. Wherever possible, however, I got into trouble. And since I always had my own mind, and my ideas of self-determined work could not be synchronised with those of my instructors, I decided without further ado that it was time to pack my things and look for something else. The following week I went to the nearest garage, auditioned and said "I want to learn this - what do I have to do?" The answer was, "Come back on Monday at 08.00 with a "blue suit" (work suit)." So the following Monday I started my training as a car mechanic. But after three years of training and two years of working as a mechanic, it started to give me the creeps. This could not possibly be life. Due to some spiritual experiences, I became more and more interested in holistic medicine. So I broke off everything behind me and started training to become a non-medical practitioner. I then worked for a few years in an institution for physically mentally handicapped people. Ten years had passed quickly and my interest in new things reawakened. I wanted to see more, learn more. I am a passionate musician and play several instruments. And so I decided to turn my hobby into a profession. In addition, my father had taught me all kinds of things about resistors, capacitors, circuit diagrams, electrical engineering, etc. in my childhood, which led to the fact that, besides my work as a music and sound therapist in the aforementioned institution, I toured various sound studios, worked on productions or set up sound studios, suppressed interference, wired, repaired, whatever ... I started training again, this time as a media technician, which not only finally brought me into professional contact with the work of a sound technician, but also put me in the right circles with camera work, which I found even more exciting. Before I knew it, I found myself working as a cameraman for all kinds of sporting events in various arenas. And that of all things, me, as ball sports are further away from me than our nearest galaxy, "Alpha Centauri". Anyway, it came as it was supposed to come. One day I got an offer from an agency to shoot a documentary film in Africa and from then on everything was a no-brainer. I shot documentaries in faraway countries again and again, panned the camera to ball sports, toured sound studios or lay in wait paparazzi- like and shot some pointless rubbish to supply the sensation-hungry people with completely pointless reportage reports and horror pictures, which are beaten around our ears in droves every day on all channels in various news or special programmes. And we let ourselves be influenced by all this rubbish, we let ourselves be manipulated and made to believe that the world is the way the media make us believe it is. But it isn't. If there's one thing I've learned during my time in the media, it's that the majority of all information that is indoctrinated into us every day by the media world is nothing but lies and deceit. Press information, for the most part, is manipulated to precisely direct and control our perception. The sole purpose of the news is to keep the public in fear and uncertainty, so that they will tune in again tomorrow to see if the world still exists, and to expose themselves once more to the same- same coverage. You think this is an oversimplification? Then I have to agree with you at this point, in reality everything is much, much worse! Because that is exactly the principle of the mass media, it is the invisible guiding hand of the so-called "rulers". The people must be steered without them knowing it and, above all, without them noticing it! But look closely: What is actually going on in the world while they distract us with all the stupid and annoying sensations? Fear and uncertainty keeps people coming back to the screen to find out more. Manipulation by media is becoming more and more alarming, which was one of the reasons why I left the media circus. I went to Denmark, did my A-levels there and then studied mathematics, physics and music to become a teacher, in order to spread my message among the younger population that the world is not as we are led to believe. Today, we allow ourselves to be influenced not only by the immediate environment in which we live, such as family, friends, acquaintances, workplace, living conditions, etc., no, because then the world would perhaps still be a little bit in order. The scale would not be so monstrous, it would be more manageable and not so momentous. The greater influence and also far more dangerous influence has long since taken place through indirect life. Media such as major newspapers, TV and the internet are now our daily companions and welcome tools for skilfully manipulating people. We can hardly escape this, as these media have already become too widespread, are present on a daily basis and have become an indispensable part of civilised society. In the past, the marketplace was the centre of social life. The colourful hustle and bustle was generally popular, because there was always a lot of new and interesting things to hear. People were usually in good spirits and enjoyed the fruits of their labour. The form of government was decidedly simple. A citizens' council was elected in each community, whose task was to secure and guarantee the freedoms and rights of the individual. No one was allowed to be forced to do anything against their will. Neither at the instigation of an individual, nor of a party. That was the sole purpose of government. Today, the government no longer serves the people, but the lobbyists of the car, pharmaceutical and, above all, financial industries. Governments and politicians are the tools of these unscrupulous industries to cover up, lie and distract. Humans are known to have an intuitive aversion to dealing with unpleasant facts: We repress the suffering on earth just as "successfully" as we repress our own death. And not only that - and here we come to the actual topic of these pages - but also the inevitable collapse of the euro and all other "fiat" currencies. There are enough indications of this, you just have to look carefully. I will publish some such indications here on my pages in the form of books by well-known authors, so that everyone who wants to know understands that the money supply has been growing exponentially for years. Anyone who paid attention in school should know that no natural system can grow exponentially in the long run. Even a plant knows that. But as I said: we don't even want to know that, let alone think through such a collapse of the world's monetary systems to its logical conclusion. Because, of course, that is exactly what we would have to do! What happens when, on day X, neither the money in the wallet, nor in the salary account, nor in the life insurance policy, the building society savings contract, the savings book, the state pension account or the piggy bank is still worth anything? Then, during my studies, I was made aware of the topic of cryptocurrencies by a friend. Cryptocurrencies are digital money, a new kind of means of payment, they are young, at the same time worth billions and unstoppable. Bitcoin is the original and top dog of cryptocurrencies. The digital currency gave the starting signal for a new era of payment transactions and has spread around the globe in no time at all. Die Idee, die dahintersteckt: keine Mittelsmänner, keine Banken, keine staatliche Einmischung. All criteria that are very well received by many users. Cryptocurrencies arouse desires, arouse curiosity and even call critics to the scene. While on the one hand the benefits are preached and gradually an entire industry is emerging, doubters see the foundations of the financial system at risk. And they are probably not wrong. I would like to show you on these pages how easy it is to get hold of these desirable means of payment and what increases in value can be achieved with them. In addition, I would like to show you how you can become self-employed today, quite simply and without a business start-up loan, and how you can lead a successful, self-determined life. The magic word is referral marketing or affiliate marketing. If you would also like to bring about a positive financial change in your life, then please feel free to contact me ... Best regards, Yours
We can continue as before or take care of our money ourselves ... A fictitious money system without collateral, as it is forced upon us, inevitably always leads to a redistribution from the bottom to the top, or from poor to rich. We are controlled by a system that creepingly expropriates taxpayers and savers for the benefit of those who already own the lion's share.
Svend Böttcher
About me
My name is Svend Böttcher, I am a hobby pilot, musician, life artist and I am the owner of this site. With this site, I would like to give you the opportunity to become financially independent and to see the world with different eyes, or with your own. But first about me. I was born in Flensburg over half a century ago. As a child of the Danish minority, I attended Danish kindergarten and enjoyed Danish schooling in the Schleswig-Flensburg district and in Denmark. At that time, my parents thought it would be a good idea for me to follow in the footsteps of my father, who was a very respected and high official at the then German Federal Post Office. So I started my first apprenticeship as a telecommunications craftsman at the said company. Wherever possible, however, I got into trouble. And since I always had my own mind, and my ideas of self-determined work could not be synchronised with the ideas of my instructors, I decided without further ado that it was time to pack my things and look for something else. The following week I went to the nearest garage, auditioned and said "I want to learn this - what do I have to do?" The answer was "come back on Monday at 08.00 with a "blue suit" (work suit)." So on the following Monday I started my apprenticeship as a car mechanic. But after three years of training and two years of working as a mechanic, it started to get scary for me. This could not possibly be life. Due to some spiritual experiences, I became more and more interested in holistic medicine. So I broke off everything behind me and started training to become a non-medical practitioner. I then worked for a few years in an institution for physically mentally handicapped people. Ten years had passed quickly and my interest in new things reawakened. I wanted to see more, learn more. I am a passionate musician and play several instruments. And so I decided to turn my hobby into a profession. In addition, my father had taught me all sorts of things about resistors, capacitors, circuit diagrams, electrical engineering, etc. in my childhood, which led to me touring various sound studios, working on productions or setting up sound studios, suppressing interference, wiring, repairing, whatever, in addition to my work as a music and sound therapist in the aforementioned institution.... I started training again, this time as a media technician, which not only finally brought me into professional contact with the work of a sound technician, but also put me in the right circles with camera work, which I found even more exciting. Before I knew it, I found myself working as a cameraman for all kinds of sporting events in various arenas. And that of all things, me, as ball sports are further away from me than our nearest galaxy, "Alpha Centauri". Anyway, it came as it was supposed to come. One day I got an offer from an agency to shoot a documentary film in Africa and from then on everything was a no-brainer. Again and again I shot documentaries in faraway countries, panned the camera to ball sports, toured sound studios or lay in wait paparazzi-like and shot some senseless rubbish to supply the sensation- hungry people with completely senseless reportage reports and horror pictures, which are beaten around our ears in droves every day on all channels in various news or special programmes. And we allow ourselves to be influenced by all this rubbish, we allow ourselves to be manipulated and made to believe that the world is the way the media make us believe it is. But it isn't. If there's one thing I've learned during my time in the media, it's that the majority of all the information we're indoctrinated with on a daily basis by the media world is nothing but lies and deceit. Press information, for the most part, is manipulated to precisely direct and control our perception. The sole purpose of the news is to keep the public in fear and uncertainty, so that they will tune in again tomorrow to see if the world still exists, and to be exposed once again to parochial reporting. You think this is an oversimplification? Then I have to agree with you at this point, in reality everything is much, much worse! Because that is exactly the principle of the mass media, it is the invisible guiding hand of the so-called "rulers". The people must be steered without them knowing it and, above all, without them noticing it! But look closely: What is actually going on in the world while they distract us with all the stupid and annoying sensations? Fear and uncertainty keeps people coming back to the screen to find out more. Manipulation by media is becoming more and more alarming, which was one of the reasons why I left the media circus. I went to Denmark, did my A-levels there and then studied mathematics, physics and music to become a teacher, in order to spread my message among the younger population that the world is not as we are led to believe. Today, we allow ourselves to be influenced not only by the immediate environment in which we live, such as family, friends, acquaintances, workplace, living conditions, etc., no, because then the world would perhaps still be a little bit in order. The scale would not be so monstrous, it would be more manageable and not so momentous. The greater influence and also far more dangerous influence has long since taken place through indirect life. Media such as major newspapers, TV and the internet are now our daily companions and welcome tools for skilfully manipulating people. We can hardly escape it either, as these media have already taken hold too far, are present every day and are now simply indispensable to civilised society. In the past, the marketplace was the centre of social life. The colourful hustle and bustle was generally popular, because there was always a lot of new and interesting things to hear. People were usually in good spirits and enjoyed the fruits of their labour. The form of government was decidedly simple. A citizens' council was elected in each community, whose task was to secure and guarantee the freedoms and rights of the individual. No one was allowed to be forced to do anything against their will. Neither at the instigation of an individual, nor of a party. That was the sole purpose of government. Today, the government no longer serves the people, but the lobbyists of the car, pharmaceutical and, above all, financial industries. Governments and politicians are the tools of these unscrupulous industries to cover up, lie and distract. Humans are known to have an intuitive aversion to dealing with unpleasant facts: We repress suffering on earth just as "successfully" as we repress our own death. And not only that - and here we come to the actual topic of these pages - but also the inevitable collapse of the euro and all other "fiat" currencies. There are enough indications of this, you just have to look carefully. I will publish some such indications here on my pages in the form of books by well-known authors, so that everyone who wants to know understands that the money supply has been growing exponentially for years. Anyone who paid attention in school should know that no natural system can grow exponentially in the long run. Even a plant knows that. But as I said: we don't even want to know that, let alone think through such a collapse of the world's monetary systems to its logical conclusion. Because of course that is exactly what we would have to do! What happens if on day X neither the money in the wallet, nor in the salary account, nor in the life insurance, the building society savings contract, the savings book, the state pension account or the piggy bank is still worth anything? During my studies, a friend introduced me to the topic of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are digital money, a new kind of means of payment, they are young, at the same time worth billions and unstoppable. Bitcoin is the original and top dog of cryptocurrencies. The digital currency gave the starting signal for a new era of payment transactions and has spread around the globe in no time at all. The idea behind it: no middlemen, no banks, no government interference. All criteria that are very well received by many users. Cryptocurrencies arouse desires, arouse curiosity and even call critics to the scene. While on the one hand the benefits are preached and gradually an entire industry is emerging, doubters see the foundations of the financial system at risk. And they are probably not wrong. I would like to show you on these pages how easy it is to get hold of these desirable means of payment and what increases in value can be achieved with them. In addition, I would like to show you how you can become self-employed today, quite simply and without a business start-up loan, and how you can lead a successful, self-determined life. The magic word is referral marketing or affiliate marketing. If you would also like to bring about a positive financial change in your life, then please feel free to contact me ... Best regards, Yours
About me
Svend Böttcher