On 1 June 2023, we contributed capital of € 50,000. With the strategies of Copytrade Market, our capital has grown to € 197,000 by 01 December 2023. This corresponds to a percentage growth of 294% in 6 months, or 120 trading days. On average, this is a gain of 1.15% per trading day. The Dow Jones Index was traded. Use the investment calculator to calculate how your investment could develop with the strategies of Copytrade Market and see when you have reached your ROI, i.e. your return on investment, or when your capital has possibly doubled.
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On 1 June 2023, we contributed capital of € 50,000. With the strategies of Copytrade Market, our capital has grown to € 197,000 by 01 December 2023. This corresponds to a percentage growth of 294% in 6 months, or 120 trading days. On average, this is a gain of 1.15% per trading day. The Dow Jones Index was traded. Use the investment calculator to calculate how your investment could develop with the strategies of Copytrade Market and see when you have reached your ROI, i.e. your return on investment, or when your capital has possibly doubled.
Metatrader 4 Mac OS Metatrader 4 Mac OS Metatrader 4 Windows Metatrader 4 Windows
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Metatrader 5 Mac OS Metatrader 5 Mac OS Metatrader 5 Windows Metatrader 5 Windows
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